VaRi Bioscience GmbH

VaRi Bioscience GmbH was founded by a team of experts with many years of experience in female health by working for leading female health companies in the past. We focus on the development of innovative products for women. We are situated in Wildau, Germany, directly at the borders of Berlin, but our team, partners and business scope is international.


50% of the world population are women!

In recent years, there have hardly been any research activities in many areas of women’s health. We at VaRi Bioscience believe that this must change fundamentally: it is time for better and innovative products. Each woman is special, individual and fantastic – and each women deserves special, individual and fantastic products for her specific stage of life.

Our core technology is the women-specific drug delivery technology of vaginal rings. Vaginal rings form the basis for the most effective option of long-acting reversible contraceptives that do not require medical intervention.

In addition, vaginal rings are the obvious route of administration if a long term, local effect is sought with little systemic exposure.

Investors are welcome!

The company is privately held and welcomes new financeial or strategic investors, to help it grow even more strongly with the many opportunities along the way and to help it benefit from technology development in this exciting industry.


Perfect Technology

At VaRi Bioscience we focus on indications that require long-term treatment. In fact, vaginal rings constitute a perfect long acting drug delivery technology.

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